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What to expect from a calligraphy workshop

If you're considering attending a calligraphy workshop, but feel a little bit nervous, here is what to expect.


The supplies given to you will vary per workshop provider. In my beginners workshop for example, I provide my students with a 20-page workbook, a brush pen and some blank greeting cards.

Some other calligraphers will provide a pointed pen (the type you dip in ink), with different nibs dependent on the style of calligraphy. They may also provide additional supplies for projects.

Although most providers will provide supplies, I highly recommend reading the description to see what's included.

A man creating calligraphy using a brush pen. He is using a modern calligraphy workbook. There is a placecard with the name Callum on it. There are other people learning calligraphy in the background.

Arriving at the workshop

Trying something new out can be intimidating, particularly if you're attending alone or travelling to a different city to try it. Don't fret though, you'll be greeted by a friendly calligraphy teacher who will welcome you and make small talk until all guests arrive.

I've taught hundreds of students and never come across anyone rude. From my experience, the group tend to chat amongst each other too and it feels like a nice communal experience whilst learning a new skill.

If you ticket includes a drink or other refreshments, the waitress will also come over to take your order at this point so that you can enjoy it during the workshop.

Learning calligraphy

Calligraphy is more challenging that a lot of people assume it will be. Yes, there will always be some that it comes naturally to (I was not one of those people), but there will also be those that find it particularly difficult - that's where I come in!

One of the greatest benefits of attending an in-person calligraphy class is the ability to have the teacher watch you whilst you create calligraphy to see what tweaks can be made to improve your calligraphy. Sometimes it genuinely feels like magic when I observe someone, move their page a smidge to the left and voila!

Gemma from Calligraphy Gems, a calligraphy instuctor helping students learn modern calligraphy. She is pointing out something in the workbook. There are lots of students there learning modern calligraphy.

Attending an in-person workshop also provides you a chance to ask any questions that come to mind, and there's no such thing as a silly question. In fact, students asking me what they feel is a silly question has sometimes helped me to improve my materials so that I teach it from the offset.

Some calligraphers will provide just enough material to be covered over the duration of the workshop. I personally work through part of the workbook leaving you stuff to practice when you get home.


At the end of my calligraphy classes, my students will have learnt the basics of calligraphy and will have created some cards using calligraphy.

Calligraphy workshop Cheltenham | Students learning modern calligraphy

For some students, it's a fun couple of hours, for some it's a new obsession. I personally love when students send me pictures showing that they've continued on with their learning.

Want to attend a calligraphy workshop yourself? Head over to my workshops page to see what events I have coming up.


Get started with modern calligraphy using my free guide by popping your name and email below.

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